Dear Future Hubby

Dear you, my future hubby...
How's life? Hope you're doing good, wherever you are. Hope Allah grants His blessing upon your life. 

Uhm..lately I'm wondering when we'll meet. Have some greets. And end up realizing that together we'll be very great. But it's probably just a matter of time. The right time, the right reason, with the right person : you.

But for this chance, let me tell you my ideas. 
First, that I might not be the ideal wife. Having studied psychology deeply, I considered that idealism is created in our own mindset, thus no one else can fit in. Don't you think it's gonna be unfair? The better would be, let's support each another to get the best version of ourselves. And when we reach it, our relationship would bebmuch better than you ever imagined. 

Second one, let's make a diorama instead of drama. We've get through many things before, not to be stuck in pointless story. So we'll make it right by two. I will remind you if you seem out of line. Vice versa, you can also do the same to me. 

Thirdly, I can't guarantee that we won't have problems, but I promise not to leave you alone to face it. You know, when life gets though, all we need is supports. And only true supporters who are able to bring you halfway of solution, simply by comforting you. Surely, I'll be one of kind. 

That's all my points. Hope you understand, thus we'll make it work. Soon. Amen.


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